Railmark's Philosophy
Railmark’s business
philosophy is simple: deliver the very best rail services – safe, on-time,
transparent, least effect on the environment, and exceed our customer’s
expectations. Railmark maintains lower
overheads and uses modest profit expectations in our customer pricing models so
that we cannot only pay our team members well and give them good benefits but re-invest
skills development in each of our team members.
Railmark is a good corporate citizen wherever the Company has its
For 25 years Railmark has continuously used as its registered slogan, “A NEW TRAIN OF THOUGHT…®”. What is the meaning of Railmark’s slogan?
Railmark’s founder and principal B. Allen Brown has experienced, firsthand, the rebirth of the U.S. rail system from the beginning with the industry’s de-regulation, the Staggers Act of 1980. As an undergraduate college student in finance and economics, Mr. Brown conducted a research project on the proposed effects of the new legislation being debated in Congress which would de-regulate the transportation industry – The Staggers Act of 1980. This class project would comprise a major part of a business class grade requirement for subjects based upon current business trends in the U.S. Mr. Brown’s undergraduate paper would be written and graded even before the passage and implementation of the new law in 1981.
Now in his next stage of study as a graduate student pursuing a Master’s degree in Economics, Mr. Brown would then pull out that old undergraduate paper, update it and expand upon it to now include the real-time implementation of this new U.S. law. Mr. Brown’s updated research paper highlighted all of the positive trends and effects this law was having on the U.S. economy, even though the law was in its very early stages.
By the time Mr. Brown earned a Master’s degree in Economics, he had become extremely interested and fascinated with the business of modern railroading. In 1986 Mr. Brown became very involved with the start-up of a new, publicly held shortline holding company and had the opportunity over the next 12 years to learn and be responsible for every component of the railroad industry including acquisitions, finance, marketing, operations, and real estate. Mr. Brown particularly gained unique experience with rail business development and rail operations turnaround. During that time the modern, deregulated railroad industry matured even further and became more and more efficient as the years went on past the implementation of the Staggers Act.
By 1998 Mr. Brown had witnessed several business practices within the railroad industry that he thought should be performed better and more customer focused. On August 28, 1998, Mr. Brown formed Railmark Holdings, Inc. to demonstrate his rail business ideas and move his rail business philosophies into the marketplace. The very name “Railmark” was chosen for a reason. Since 1998 to the present, the Company’s mission is to leave its “MARK” on the “RAIL” industry by delivering its rail services commensurate with the customer’s needs – exceeding their expectations, delivered on-time with a well-trained team of railroad professionals. Today Railmark’s unique rail business approach and commitment to serving its customers within the railroad industry as a integrated rail services provider, is being recognized by the railroad industry around the world.
Railmark’s commitment and business strategy is to deliver its products and services with the highest degree of service delivery, customer communications, workmanship, and quality. It is these standards which set Railmark apart from its competitors, along with the ease of doing business with a company that can provide multiple rail services, bundled to the same customer. Railmark can perform all rail services needed by the same customer, improving both the customer’s cost savings and the Company’s margins with better and more focused operating and management efficiencies. Railmark combines this strategy, delivered by a strong competent team of railroad professionals, marketing its style of service delivery with the registered slogan: “A New Train of Thought …®”.